Why climate policy is stalled in Olympia

There has been a lot of talk over the last couple years about carbon taxation due to the work that I did along with friends of mine at Carbon Washington for Initiative 732, the first and most progressive carbon tax proposal in American history. We based it off of the highly successful carbon tax which …

US border insecurity

Statistics: The American-Canadian border is the longest shared border in the world. The American-Canadian border is the only shared border between highly developed (GDP per capita > $20,000) in North America. there are 30 such borders in the world, 3 are with Saudi Arabia and its rich gulf neighbors, and the other 26 are in …

Status of the 2020 election, Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2019

The 2020 election is ramping up right now, and the candidates are lining up, and there are multiple fantastic candidates right now. The Republican Nomination will almost certainly go to Trump in 2020, but on the Democratic side of the aisle we have several really amazing people running, or who are almost certainly going to …

Design a Carbon Tax Now! Or, how to make a more efficient legislature to solve our problems.

Abstract Thoughts on how to design a more effective legislature to solve important issues like global warming by using ranked voting. Introduction It is now 2019. We are about to start the legislative session with the largest Democratic Majority in Washington State for 70 years, and if we are ever going to get progress done …